Lists, Loves, and Things to Remember about the Books I have Read

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Best Book Covers

Browsing in the book store is extra fun when you take a look at all of the covers with an artistic eye. Some covers are just so inviting and gorgeous! Here is a really great read with a stunning cover! I highly recommend Julie and Romeo for a fun light read. Perfect for this time of year. When I first saw the cover (hardcover) I was stunned. It is gorgeous. Over time I began to recognize the style of the cover artist. Her name is Honi Werner. When you start to pay attention to book cover art you might start to recognize the styles of different artists. This will be a regular feature of the Let's Read blog......stunning book covers. Fun!


Patti said...

Hi~ I bought a book in MI called When Autumn Leaves- just because of the cover- so I totally get that!

donna said...

I'm a sucker for the cover ... I must admit. One of my favorites is The Time Traveller's Wife.

Staci said...

I love looking at book covers and will be the first to admit that I often judge a book by its cover!!

Relyn Lawson said...

OH, I completely love this cover, too. Plus, I love the idea for best book covers post. You are a genius, my friend.

Unknown said...

I agree this is a beautiful cover and a really fun read. I'm glad I found your site, thanks for commenting on mine! I'll have to start the Change Me book next!