Lists, Loves, and Things to Remember about the Books I have Read

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Catching Fire

I am still ensconced in this world that Suzanne Collins has created. I am halfway through the second book in the trilogy.....the final book comes out in August. Can't wait! I am still stunned at the level of intensity and cruelty that is in these books; but I love the main characters so. Amazing books!

On another topic, Mike and I went to the local Barnes and Noble last night. It was closed, gone, shut up, paper over the windows! It is a smaller store and there are two big B&N stores nearby but I loved having one so close. I hear another of the smaller ones in a town nearby closed up too. That scares me. I hope that this is not going to keep happening.


donna said...

Oh no, that is just so sad. About two years ago a small independent bookstore opened up about a mile away from me (that's within walking distance!). It stayed open about a year and then closed. I still walk by it from time to time and it makes me so sad. But a B&N closing??? That's really, really sad.

Staci said...

I hope it isn't a sign of the times but I don't know. Over 200+ Walden bookstores are closing down so to see the smaller B&N start closing would come as a shock. Ereaders are really putting a punch to the bookstores!! I'm going to read #1 this month...I have to!!!

Heather Mattern said...

I cant wait to read this!!! I finished Hunger Games about a month ago and have been dying to read the next book.. I may have to take a trip to our bookstore in town and purchase it!

Patti said...

Where have the B and N closed? Is the one in Bolingbrook still there? I was in La Grange this afternoon and that one is still there and I assume Orland is too. That is sad! Loving Hunger Games!

Kellie said...

I downloaded The Hunger Games and started listening to it this week. It quickly reeled me in. I can see why you haven't been able to put this series down. I am sure that I will be logging on very soon to download Catching Fire too.

I hate it when businesses close...especially ones that you enjoy shopping in. I think that is sad.

Patti said...

Well- I finished Hunger Games last night- Mike started reading it and finished it tonight. One of the teachers loaned me Catching Fire which I started at lunch today. Mike ran off with it after dinner and is reading it right now- I get it back at 9:00. Hunger Games... Like it? Loved it!!! Easily one of THE best books I have ever read...ever!

Relyn Lawson said...

I, too, am eager for the next one. I did think the first one was best, though. You?